Friday, February 20, 2009

2 rumored/April Fool's jokes...

There is some information about a leak of a MegaMan Legends DS. This apparently taking place after Legends 2, or a side story between Legends 1 and 2. But, either was a rumor when confirmed by RockMan Perfect memories that it was a hoax. Enjoy the "what if's".

Legends Top And Bottom Screens.

Legends Dungeon 1.

Legends Dungeon 2.

Legends Town.


Now, to the other MegaMan note, but sticking with April Fool's. A few years back there was word of a MegaMan & Bass 2 in the works. Complete with screen shots. This was just a fan production mock up. Originally bassed on the Planet MegaMan site (which is down). But dedication like that is impressive for fans who definitely have a want for more Classic MegaMan.


Screen 1.

Screen 2.

Screen 3.

Screen 4.

Screen 5.

Casting judgment on these, it looked good if it were a real project. Good job to those who created these mock ups. And who knows if they have sparked any kind of interest, other than just joy from the fan.

Till next time. Enjoy.

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